It’s almost Christmas time! Well, not quite, but it will be here before you know it! Most people who frequent this site can all agree that we have some sort of fascination with Japan or Japanese culture. Has anyone ever wondered how they celebrate Christmas in Japan? Truth be told, it really isn’t much different than the Christmas traditions of the United States. The only major difference is the fact that only 1% of Japan is Christian so no one celebrates it religiously. Never the less, the Christmas spirit is still alive and well in Japan during the holidays.
At this point you are probably asking yourself, “Isn’t this supposed to be a food article? Where is the food talk?” So here you go: I am going to spend the rest of the article discussing Japanese Christmas cake. A Japanese Christmas Cake is a sponge cake decorated with holiday themes such as snowmen, Christmas trees and Santa Clause . I guess you could say that Christmas Cake in Japan is what Christmas cookies are to Americans. In fact, when I was over in Japan for school, I met a group of students that were shocked to find out that I had no idea what a Christmas cake was. Their reaction told me just how important this holiday treat is to the country. Here is a recipe to make your own Japanese Christmas cake! This is just to make the cake itself, you can decorate this however you see fit!
6 eggs
1 cup white sugar
¼ cup water
1 cup cake flour(although regular flour works fine to)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
-First, go ahead and separate the eggs and beat the yolks in a mixing bowl and gradually add your sugar with the eggs. Add water, vanilla extract, and beat in flour
- In another mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy, and add salt. Fold the mixture into the egg yolk mixture
- Add your batter into a glass bowl and place in the oven at 325 degrees for one hour.
You can also watch the making of a Japanese Christmas cake in the video below!
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